Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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$738,000 to fix local black spots in Deakin

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Jamie Briggs and Member for Deakin Michael Sukkar today announced $738,000 to fix two dangerous black spots on local roads in Deakin.

The following new projects will be delivered:

  • Intersection of Oban Road and Mullum Mullum Road in Ringwood: $491,000 to install a new roundabout; and
  • Intersection of Oban Road and Wonga Road in Ringwood: $247,000 to modify the existing roundabout.

The projects were recommended by a panel of independent road safety experts and will be delivered during the course of the coming financial year (2015-16).

This funding is another example of the Australian Government’s record commitment of $500 million to the Black Spot Programme in the 2014 Budget fixing more roads than ever before.

As a result of our additional investment, an extra 84 projects will be funded in Victoria over 2015-16. Based on the outcomes typically delivered by black spot projects, these extra projects are expected to save an additional 10 lives and prevent 512 injury crashes over 10 years, and deliver economic dividends of around $169 million.

Further information and black spot nomination forms can be downloaded from: http://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/funding/blackspots/index.aspx