Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Aged Care Approvals Round: Applications Open May 2014

Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, has announced that aged care providers in Deakin will be able to apply for funds under the next Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR) from May 2014.

“This Round marks an important step forward in the Government’s reform agenda of the aged care sector,” Mr Sukkar said.

“The Government recognises that many older Australians wish to remain in their own home for as long as possible.

“Accordingly, this Round will continue to expand the Home Care Packages program, which provides individually tailored packages of home care services to help older Australians remain living independently in their own home.”

The Minister responsible for ageing, Senator Mitch Fifield, said that residential aged care places will also be made available in the next ACAR.

To encourage greater investment in areas of need, the Government will make funding available for capital grants under the Rural, Regional and Other Special Needs Building Fund.

“The ACAR is the major funding round in the aged care industry and provides new Australian Government-funded aged care places to service providers through a competitive assessment process,” Senator Fifield said.

“Between now and the opening of the Round in May, I encouraging aged care providers in Deakin to consider the aged care needs in their area in preparation for the Round,” Mr Sukkar said.

The Invitation to Apply for places and capital funding will be announced in major newspapers and on the Department of Social Services’ website (www.dss.gov.au) in May 2014.