Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Australia provides humanitarian assistance to Myanmar

The Australian Government has today announced $2 million towards the humanitarian relief effort in Myanmar following Cyclone Komen and heavy monsoonal rains, which has caused widespread flooding and landslides.

As soon as the devastating news came through of the unfolding natural disaster and human casualties, I spoke with the Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Julie Bishop to ensure that this vital humanitarian support was provided to those affected by the flooding and landslides.

Deakin has a very large population of refugees from Myanmar – mainly from the Chin state area, one of the worst hit places – and a community with which I have a very close and enduring relationship.

I have spoken with community leaders to reassure them that Australia stands in solidarity with the expatriate Myanmar community, whose friends and families in Myanmar are affected by the flooding and landslides.

The Australian Government is working with the Myanmar Government and humanitarian partners to determine how funding will be allocated.

This aid comes in addition to the existing Australian funding to development and humanitarian partners in Myanmar, which will be used to support the relief effort.

An additional humanitarian adviser will depart for Myanmar next week to help coordinate Australian assistance.