Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Celebrating Australia Day

It was a privilege for Michael Sukkar to join hundreds of local people as today they celebrated what it means to be an Australian at the Australia Day Citizenship and Award Ceremonies.

Michael regularly attends Citizenship Ceremonies, held by the Whitehorse and Maroondah City Councils, to welcome new Australian citizens to Deakin.

“There’s no better day to make this life changing commitment to Australia,” he said.

“On Australia Day, we celebrate the history that has made us who we are, the country that we love and the values and institutions that underpin it.

“It was a great honour to address our newest Australian citizens and to speak about what makes our country so great.

“Luckily, many of these things can be expressed in single words, including freedom, justice, honour, duty and courage.

“I am optimistic that our newest Australian citizens will foster and build on these characteristics in the years to come.”

Michael also extended his congratulations to the residents who were singled out for awards.

“There are so many people in our community who make extraordinary contributions, and it was fantastic to see some of them recognised,” he said.