Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Croydon Men’s Shed extension

Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, officially opened the Croydon Men’s Shed extension this morning.

Mr Sukkar said he was proud to have secured $150,000 of Federal Government funding for the upgrade, alongside Swinburne University of Technology and David Hodgett MP who contributed much needed funds as well.

“The Croydon Men’s Shed is a great local community group. The comradery and practical skills it engenders, helps keep men of our community both physically and mentally healthy,” Mr Sukkar said.

“The newly constructed break room and undercover outdoor area will increase the range of activities the Croydon Men’s Shed can offer.

“The Shed’s work benefits the entire community, from building wooden toys for children to constructing cubby houses for kinders.

“It’s been a privilege getting to know the group and I wish them every success with the extra space in their shed.”

Noel Nye, Secretary for Croydon Men’s Shed, said the group was very grateful for Michael’s help in getting the project funded.

“It was great to have Michael here on the day, to help open the new facilities, as he’s been such an integral part of the process”, Mr Nye said.

Media Contact: Joshua Bonney 03 9874 1711