Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Find out more about the Green Army in Deakin

Is there an environmental or conservation project in your region that would benefit from practical, on-ground support?

Are you aged between 17 and 24 and interested in gaining practical training and experience while working in your local environment? Or do you know someone who might be?

If so, come along to an information session in Melbourne and find out about the Australian Government’s Green Army programme.

“Right across Australia, the Green Army is making a real difference to the environment and local communities through projects such as restoring and protecting habitat, weeding, planting, cleaning up creeks and rivers and restoring cultural heritage places,” Federal Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar, said.

“The Green Army will become Australia’s largest-ever team supporting environmental action across the country, building to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.”

Information sessions about how to get involved in the Green Army are running throughout August across Australia. They are an opportunity to think about how organisations can apply for a Green Army project and how young people can participate in them.

“I encourage local community groups and anyone interested to come along and find out more about the Green Army,” Michael said.

“Green Army projects not only offer real environment and conservation benefits for our community, but also give participants practical training and experience to help them prepare for the workforce or further their training and improve their career opportunities.”

The Green Army is a major Government commitment with more than $700 million budgeted over four years.

So far, more than 700 projects have been announced since the programme commenced in 2014 with more than 330 projects already rolled out across Australia.

The programme encourages practical action supporting local environment and conservation projects across Australia, and providing training to thousands of young Australians by 2018.

With the call for Round Four Green Army projects opening soon, the information sessions provide details on how individuals can get involved and how groups can apply for projects.

Representatives from the Department of the Environment will be available to answer questions.

Round Four of the Green Army will consist of two streams. Stream 1 will focus on heritage projects that promote, protect and conserve Australia’s National and World Heritage which are listed for their natural, historic or Indigenous values.

Stream 2 will focus on projects that directly support the protection and recovery of threatened species, particularly actions for improving habitat.

An information session for participants will be held at the Metropole Hotel, 44 Brunswick St, Fitzroy from on 28 August from 12:30pm to 2:00pm.

An information session for project hosts will be held at the Metropole Hotel, 44 Brunswick St, Fitzroy on 28 August from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Further information about hosting projects or participating in the Green Army and the full schedule of information sessions can be found online at www.environment.gov.au/green-army.