Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Full Extent of Labor’s Carbon Tax Damage Revealed

We’ve known all along that Labor’s carbon tax is inflicting massive damage on local households and businesses in Deakin.

Now the full extent of the damage has been revealed.

The Clean Energy Regulator has released figures detailing the carbon tax bills for all liable entities for the 2012-13 financial year.

Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, said today that the carbon tax hit had been much worse than Labor ever led on.

“In its first year of operation, the carbon tax was a $7.6 billion hit on the Australian economy and a direct hit on around 75,000 businesses,” Mr Sukkar said.

“The Clean Energy Regulator has revealed the extensive damage the carbon tax has had on the Australian economy – and ultimately it impacts every family and business in Deakin.

“16 of the 20 largest carbon tax bills have gone to electricity companies. The power sector is being hit with $4.1 billion in additional costs. That equates to higher power bills for families in Deakin.

“Manufacturing has been slugged $1.1 billion. That’s putting pressure on local jobs.

“The carbon tax is an attack on families in Deakin. What’s worse is that it doesn’t even work. Despite a $7.6 billion tax emissions for the first 12 months barely changed by 0.1%.

“The people of Deakin can blame Bill Shorten for helping to push up electricity bills and the overall cost of living.

“It’s time for Labor to get out of the way and support the repeal of the carbon tax.

“Labor trashed the economy while in government. Scrapping the carbon tax is one way Labor can undo some of the damage.”