Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Indian Community Centre Opening

Indian communities across Victoria are set to benefit from a new Indian Community Centre, supported by $2.5 million in federal funding, officially opened today by Michael Sukkar MP, Federal Member for Deakin, Alan Tudge MP, Federal Member for Aston and Matthew Guy MP, Member for Bulleen.

The two-storey building in Rowville will be used as Victoria’s first Indian Community Centre, and includes multiple assembly halls, a commercial kitchen, meeting and storage rooms, a carpark, an administration and reception area, offices for three Indian community peak bodies as well as a secure area for Museum India.

Federal Member for Deakin Michael Sukkar said that Australia’s Indian community is now one of the fastest-growing in Australia and that the new centre demonstrated the Government’s commitment to supporting multicultural communities.

“The latest Census figures from 2016 recorded 455,389 India-born people in Australia,” Mr Sukkar said.

“Those of Indian heritage have a long and proud tradition of contributing to our nation and the Deakin electorate has certainly been a huge beneficiary of this.”

“This new facility will provide a focal point for the community in the heart of Melbourne’s east and will cement the areas reputation as a multicultural hub. I am incredibly proud to have been able to support this important initiative that will deliver for our area”.

This Indian Community Centre is funded by Australian Government under the Community Development Grants Programme. The Programme delivers projects identified by the Australian Government to support needed infrastructure that promotes stable, secure and viable local and regional economies. Projects range from new sporting facilities, to upgrading community centres and small-scale infrastructure projects.

The Australian Indian Community Charitable Trust provided the remaining $892,232 of funding towards the project.