Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Grants available in Deakin under Round 2 of the 20 Million Trees programme

The Australian Government invites community groups, organisations and individuals to start their own tree planting projects by applying for grants under Round 2 of the 20 Million Trees Programme.

“I’m pleased to announce the opening of the second round of the Australian Government’s 20 Million Trees Programme that will see 20 million trees planted across Australia by 2020,” Minister Hunt said.

“The 20 Million Trees programme will help to re-establish green corridors across our landscapes and provide habitat for threatened species.

“Funding of up to $5 million is now available under the second round of the programme with grants of between $20,000 and $100,000 available for projects, which will re-establish native vegetation, provide habitat to support threatened species and to improve the local environment.”

Priority will be given to projects which support the Australian Government’s commitment to improve outcomes for threatened species and the work of the Threatened Species Commissioner.

“This is a great opportunity for the many local people in our community who are committed to conservation and green spaces,” Federal Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar, said.

“Green spaces connect communities to the environment and improve the liveability of our towns and cities. I encourage interested parties to apply for projects that will provide valuable benefits to the environment and for our local community.”

“I look forward to seeing these trees—and the millions to follow under this programme—grow into thriving green corridors and urban forests.”

The 20 Million Trees Programme is a key election commitment and an important part of the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme, providing $50 million over four years to deliver tree planting projects across the country.

More information is available at www.nrm.gov.au/20-million-trees