Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Green Army Gearing Up for Action in Deakin

Young people in Deakin will be among the first 17 to 24 year olds to join the Coalition Government’s Green Army and become part of the largest environmental movement in Australia’s history, Federal Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar, announced today.

“The first round of Green Army projects have been confirmed and I am really looking forward to hosting three Green Army project teams here in Deakin,” Mr Sukkar said.

“Young Australians will now have the opportunity to be a part of one of the Government’s major environmental initiatives and help our community deliver important local conservation outcomes.”

Green Army projects to be rolled out in Deakin include:
• Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Bushland Enhancement
• Heatherdale Creek Parklands Environmental Enhancement
• Eastfield Park Rehabilitation and Revegetation

“The Green Army provides opportunities for young Australians, aged 17 to 24 years, to gain training and experience in environmental and heritage conservation fields and explore careers in conservation management, while participating in projects that generate real benefits for the Australian environment,” Mr Sukkar said.

“Participants will receive a Green Army allowance for the duration of their project. Participants will also be supported to obtain Certificate I or II qualifications or nationally endorsed skills set to help them prepare for the workforce or improve their career opportunities.”

The Green Army was a key Coalition election commitment and, with $525 million budgeted over four years, one of the Government’s major environmental initiatives. It will encourage practical, grassroots action to support local environment and heritage conservation projects across Australia, providing training to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.

This investment in the Green Army will bring the Government’s total investment in natural resource management to more than $2 billion over four years.

Young Australians interested in joining the Green Army can apply through the appointed Service Providers for each state and territory.

Contact details for Service Providers are available from www.environment.gov.au/green-army