Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Investing in Deakin roads

The 2017-18 Budget continues the Coalition Government’s significant investment in critical infrastructure.

In Deakin, through the Investment Road and Rail Programme, we will fund the following local road projects:

  • $50,000 to upgrade the Bedford Rd/ Canterbury Rd intersection
  • $1.2 million to upgrade Canterbury Rd
  • $8 million to upgrade the Maroondah Hwy/Dorset Rd intersection
  • $100,000 to upgrade the Maroondah Hwy/Dunlavin Rd intersection

Funding from the Roads to Recovery Programme is provided to all local government authorities to assist them and maintain and upgrade their local roads. The Coalition Government will provide $4.4 billion to the Programme from 2013-14 to 2020-21.

In Deakin, $2,302,191 will be provided in 2017-18 to the Maroondah, Whitehorse and Manningham City Councils to assist with general maintenance and road works.

The Coalition Government remains committed to the East West Link and our offer of $3 billion still stands. We are ready to deliver the project should any Victorian Government decide to proceed.