Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Jobs boost for young people with mental illness in Maroondah

A new initiative to help young people with mental illness find jobs will be tested in the Maroondah Employment Service Area, as part of a $1 million trial by the Australian Government to improve their social and economic outcomes.

Eligible Disability Employment Services (DES) participants with mental illness aged 24 or under in Deakin, will have access to a one-year DES Youth Mental Health trial of a new highly participant-directed, early investment approach to job seeking.

Maroondah is one of three Employment Service Areas across the country chosen for the trial, as part of the Government’s push to get a better deal for people with mental illness and young people with disability.

Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, said the Government wants to improve the independence and participation of young people with mental illness who have been locked-out of the job market.

“This initiative will connect young people with mental illness with a DES service provider to discuss their career goals and how best to meet them,” Mr Sukkar said.

Trial Participants will use a $5,000 ‘Career Account’, to invest in their choice of goods and services such as counselling, training, transport, paid work experience or clothing and equipment, to help them overcome non-vocational or vocational barriers and further their employment goals.

Like all Australians, young people with mental illness want to work and earn a salary that is fair and reflects their capacity, skills and aspirations.

The trial is based on evidence that early investment and individually tailored initiatives can help disadvantaged job seekers.

The DES YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH trial is one element of the Government’s broader Youth Employment Strategy, part of the 2015-16 Growing Jobs and Small Business Budget package, designed to reduce the risk of young people disengaging from education or employment and becoming reliant on long-term income support.

An evaluation of the trial will be used to inform future employment services for people with disability from 2018.