Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Michael Sukkar encourages Deakin to say ‘thank you’ on DonateLife Thank You Day – Sunday 20 November

Federal Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar, is encouraging residents to participate in national Donate Life Thank You Day on Sunday, 20 November 2016, which honours all organ and tissue donors and their families.

“In communities across Australia are those whose lives have been saved and improved through the gift of organ or tissue donation,” Mr Sukkar said.

“DonateLife Thank You Day is a day for all Australians to simply say ‘thanks’ to living and deceased donors and their families for saving and transforming lives through the gift of organ and tissue donation”.

“I invite all Deakin residents to join the DonateLife #ThankYouDay campaign simply by posting a message on social media to say ‘thank you’ to all organ and tissue donors and their families for saving and improving lives through the gift of donation.”

With around 1,400 Australians waiting for a life-saving transplant, and a further 12,000 people on dialysis, the generous act of organ and tissue donation has a far reaching effect, changing the lives of both transplant recipients and their families.

“In the first nine months of this year, 1067 Australians received an organ transplant through the generosity of 372 deceased organ donors and their families. A further 182 living organ donors provided kidney or partial liver donations, and thousands more became tissue donors.”

“Another great way we can all show our thanks to those who choose to donate is to register our own donation decision on the Australian Organ Donor Register, and ensure our loved ones know and accept this decision.”

Registration is important because it leaves the family in no doubt of their loved ones’ wishes.

Organ and tissue donation is the ultimate gift – just one organ and tissue donor can transform the lives of more than ten people.

DonateLife Thank You Day is an Australian Government initiative as part of the Organ and Tissue Authority’s National Community Awareness Program.

For more information about DonateLife Thank You Day and how you can get involved, visit donatelife.gov.au/thank-you-day

Media enquiries:
Joshua Bonney 03 9874 1711