Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Michael Sukkar Secures Investment in Blackburn Lake Sanctuary

A Coalition Government will invest in the future of the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, Michael Sukkar, Liberal Candidate for Deakin, announced today.

The Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage, joined Mr Sukkar to make the announcement that a Coalition Government will undertake a rehabilitation project at Blackburn Lake as part of its commitment to build a 15,000 strong Green Army nationwide.

The Blackburn Lake Rehabilitation Project will remove invasive weeds from the water’s edge of Blackburn Lake and replant native species to enhance the quality of the water and improve the habits of native wildlife.

The project will also include the repair and replacement of boardwalks as required, mulching, and works to protect replanting against fluctuating water levels.

If a Coalition Government is elected, an army of young environmental trainees will begin work on the Blackburn Lake Rehabilitation Project. The project will run for up to 26 weeks and deploy nine trainees as well as a supervisor.

Mr Sukkar and Mr Hunt visited the natural bushland reserve last November to meet with members of the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Advisory Committee to discuss a potential project.

“Blackburn Lake Sanctuary is an important environmental asset and I am very pleased to announce this project as key priority for a Coalition Government,” Mr Hunt said.

“This project is exactly what the Green Army is about, practical work that improves the local environment and helps improve local communities.”

“Blackburn Lake is much-loved by our community and I have been fighting for many months for this project to help protect and enhance this bushland for local residents to enjoy, now and into the future,” Mr Sukkar said.

“The project will not only improve the water quality and habitat for native species, it will complement the important work that is done through the visitors’ centre and education program.

“The young environmental trainees who take part in the project will gain knowledge about native plant species, wetlands, weeding and planting techniques, and project planning and management.”

The Coalition’s policy to build a 15,000 strong Green Army is part of our Real Solutions Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia.