Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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National Stronger Regions Fund Applications Open

Applications under Round One of the Australian Government’s landmark $1 billion National Stronger Regions Fund are now open.

The new Fund will target projects that deliver priority economic development and small scale community infrastructure at the local level throughout Australia.

“This is a huge opportunity for local projects across Deakin to get their share of this major new investment in growth,” Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, said.

“The Fund will support a range of local and regional development initiatives that are designed to spur economic growth – from transport projects to convention centres and major multi-purpose sports and community facilities.

“The Government’s focus is on strengthening economies in Australia’s most disadvantaged regions and communities by improving productivity, economic opportunity, employment and workforce skills.”

The National Stronger Regions Fund will provide local community projects with between $20,000 and $10 million, covering up to 50 per cent of project costs.

“Importantly, the Fund gives local communities the power to identify local projects to meet local needs, ensuring communities are investing in their own future,” Mr Sukkar said.

“The Fund encourages partnerships, with project proponents engaging with the private sector, and possibly local and state governments.

“I urge all local community groups to get behind the National Stronger Regions Fund to ensure our region gets its fair share of this vital investment.”

Projects seeking funding will be considered in consultation with the Australian Government’s National Infrastructure Committee, which has a strong interest in, and commitment to, harnessing the potential of Australia’s regions.

The Guidelines for the National Stronger Regions Fund detail the type of project proposals sought, how to lodge an application, how assessments will be conducted, and critical programme dates.

To access the guidelines, and to lodge a Round One application, visit www.infrastructure.gov.au/nsrf.