Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Safer Communities Fund now open for applications

Assistant Minister to the Treasurer and Federal Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar, today announced that grant applications for round two of the Coalition Government’s Safer Communities Fund programme will open on Friday 29 September.

The Safer Communities Fund delivers on the Coalition’s ongoing commitment to keep Australians safe and secure.

Only safe communities can be strong and prosperous, and the best way to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour is to prevent it happening.

Local councils and community organisations are invited to apply through this open competitive round for funding for security enhancement projects, such as CCTV, bollards and lighting.

The Safer Communities Fund provides grants of up to $1 million for security infrastructure initiatives that address crime and anti-social behaviour, help reduce the fear of crime, increase feelings of safety, and contribute to the safety of communities that may be at risk of racial and/or religious intolerance.

Michael Sukkar said investment in security infrastructure at local crime hotspots would reduce fear of crime and contribute to greater community safety and resilience across Deakin.

“We’ve already funded over $850,000 of CCTV camera and lighting upgrades in the electorate, in areas such as Ringwood, Ringwood East, Croydon and Nunawading – helping to combat and deter crime in the area,” Mr Sukkar said.

“I encourage potential applicants to contact my office to discuss their projects’ eligibility, and to receive all submission details.”

Further information on the Safer Communities Fund is available on the Australian Government’s Safer Communities Fund website at www.business.gov.au/safer-communities-fund, or by calling 13 28 46. Applications close on 14 November 2017.

Media contacts: Office of Michael Sukkar MP 03 9874 1711