Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Sporting Schools kicks off across Deakin

Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, today announced that twenty-one local schools in the Deakin have signed up to be a part of the Australian Government’s $100 million Sporting Schools initiative.

Michael said Sporting Schools was launched on Monday 20 July and schools in Deakin could now take part in the participation-focussed programme.

“This is one of the Australian Government’s cornerstone preventative health programmes aimed to improve our children’s health through getting more kids involved in physical activity,” Michael said.

“Being involved in this new programme will expand sporting opportunities for children before, during and after school hours at local schools.

Sporting Schools is designed to deliver sports in line with local schools’ needs and ultimately to get the children active, engaged and having fun through sport, more often.”

A quarter of Australian children are now overweight or obese and many more lack the basic skills like running, catching, throwing and kicking needed in everyday life.

Michael said three-quarters of Australian kids spend their spare time watching television, yet only one third of children are managing the recommended hour of physical activity a day. Only half of our kids are involved in sport.

“That’s why our new Sporting Schools programme is so important to ensuring current and future generations of Australian kids keep fit, healthy and happy.”

The Sporting Schools initiative is supported by the release of a new online guide offering parents tips on how best to nurture their child’s interest in taking up a sport, as well as maintaining it as they get older.

The Australian Institute of Sport has also developed a new online guide, launched in conjunction with the start of Sporting Schools, offering tips to parents about how they can nurture their child’s growing interest in sport and convert it into a life-time love of participation.

Schools can still sign up for the Sporting Schools programme at www.sportingschools.gov.au, where a link to the online guide for parents is also available.

Michael congratulated the twenty-one schools in Deakin that have signed up to take part in the Sporting Schools initiative.

The following schools in the Deakin electorate are now Sporting Schools:

Croydon Primary School
Croydon Special Developmental School
Eastwood Primary School
Heathmont College
Heathmont East Primary School
Holy Saviour Primary School
Kalinda Primary School
Laburnum Primary School
Livingstone Primary School
Marlborough Primary School
Mount Pleasant Road Primary School
Nunawading Christian College
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School
Rangeview Primary School
Ringwood Heights Primary School
Sacred Heart Primary School
St Philip’s School
St Thomas the Apostle School
St Timothy’s School
Tinternvale Primary School
Weeden Heights Primary School