Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Supporting men’s health and wellbeing in Whitehorse

Michael Sukkar, the Federal Member for Deakin, was at Nunawading today to announce that a re-elected Turnbull Coalition Government will provide a $20,000 capital grant to help the expansion of the Whitehorse Men’s Shed.

Michael said that supporting men’s health and wellbeing is something that is very close to him, and that today’s announcement will mean that the popular Whitehorse Men’s Shed can include more men into its activities.

“The Whitehorse Men’s Shed will receive $20,000 to upgrade its equipment and build new facilities, and also support the growth in its membership given they are such a well respected part of our local community,” Michael said.

“The Whitehorse Men’s Shed does an incredible amount of work for our local community, giving their time and energy to the benefit of others, while promoting positive men’s health and wellbeing.”

Whitehorse Men’s Shed co-ordinator, Barry Phillips, said the money will be put to good use given the expansion of the shed over recent years.

“We will be able to replace our table saw, build new storage space for our dust extractor and also a new annex, where we can park our new vehicle in a safe and secure spot.

“The Whitehorse Men’s Shed is always growing, and we welcome any investment that support this growth and enables us to work with the community in new and exciting ways,” Mr Phillips said.

This announcement comes on top of the $150,000 commitment to expand and upgrade the Croydon Men’s Shed at the Croydon campus of Swinburne University of Technology.