Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Upgrade to Surrey & Junction roads intersection now complete

Works are now complete on the Surrey Road and Junction Road Intersection Upgrade, delivering a safer intersection for cyclists and more than 22,000 vehicles using the intersection each day.

Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for Deakin, who was onsite at the upgraded intersection today, said traffic records showed that the intersection had been the cause of frustration for many years.

“The Australian Government fully funded this $500,000 intersection upgrade because it is a key piece of infrastructure for the Deakin electorate,” Mr Sukkar said.

“There were two reported casualty crashes at this intersection in the five years ending December 2013, both involving vehicles turning right out of Junction Road.

“Not just motorists, but all road users will benefit from this upgrade, with improvements made for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

“The existing traffic lights have been upgraded to improve safety and reduce congestion for queuing motorists, and pedestrian signals have been remodelled to give pedestrians more priority.

“Cyclists will also be able to use new green bicycle lanes, which will provide them with a safer riding environment. This upgrade will help to prevent crashes and save lives.”

Michael also thanked local Blackburn residents for their input and support of the project.

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Jamie Briggs said the $500,000 safety upgrade is yet another example that Michael Sukkar is delivering better roads in Deakin.

“The Australian Government is committed to delivering safer roads for drivers and other road users across Australia,” Mr Briggs said.

The Surrey Road and Junction Road Intersection upgrade was funded as part of the Australian Government’s Infrastructure Investment Programme.