Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Vital Funding Provides Lifeline to Key Local Pregnancy Support Network

  • $240,000 in funding for The Babes Project to support them with the services they provide to expectant mothers and their children.
  • Funding will be provided to assist the work of their local centres in Croydon and Frankston over the next two years.

Federal Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar, together with Greg Hunt, the Minister for Health, have announced that the Australian Government will provide $240,000 in funding for The Babes Project, to help support their activities over the next two years.

Mr Sukkar said that the funding would help the group with the important work they do in our community to support young expectant women and their families.

“The support that The Babes Project are able to provide to women in the perinatal period has earned them so many admirers locally and across Australia,” Mr Sukkar said.

“I’m thrilled to be able to partner with them in this way so that they are able to continue to grow and expand the services they provide in Melbourne’s east, assisting a growing number of young mothers and their children.”

Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, said that The Babes Projects’ two centre in Croydon and Frankston provide a unique service that does not duplicate with what is provided by major health organisations.

“Hospitals and other health agencies now refer expectant women to The Babes Project for support and care,” Minister Hunt said.

“Owing to the larger than expected influx of referrals that this is causing, they are now only left with enough funds to operate for a further two months.  This funding commitment from the Government will now give them the certainty they need to continue the fantastic work they do”.

Helen Parker, the Chief Executive Officer of The Babes Project, said that she and her team were excited by the announcement and what it would mean for them.

“With the rapid growth in demand for our services that we’ve experienced over the last few years, this additional funding could not come at a better time.

“We are thrilled that the Health Minister and the Government have recognised this and seen the value in our work and we’d like to thank Michael Sukkar for his strong advocacy on our behalf,” Ms Parker said.

The Babes Project works with women who are seeking additional support during pregnancy.  Delivered by trained volunteers, their program offers holistic support by:

  • Assisting women to address challenging circumstances and engage with other healthcare and supporting agencies
  • Providing workshops where she can learn life skills and baby care, and
  • Allowing her the space to begin to plan a different future for her family.