Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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The Coalition Government is committed to progressing the design of a mandatory information sharing scheme for motor vehicle service and repair information. This scheme forms part of our commitment to support appropriate commercial dealing and competition in the new car retail supply chain for the benefit of both small businesses and consumers.

Today, a roundtable with the five key industry stakeholders, who are signatories to the current voluntary information sharing agreement, was held to update them on outcomes of consultation held earlier this year and recent decisions taken by the Government.

The Government received a wide range of feedback from across industry which has been extremely valuable in helping shape an effective scheme going forward. A summary of this feedback is available on the Treasury consultation website.

Our scheme will mandate that all service and repair information car manufacturers share with their dealership networks must be available for independent repairers to purchase.

It will also remove grey areas in the current voluntary arrangements by explicitly setting out a list of safety, security and environmental information that must only be released to appropriate businesses as well as clear criteria for access.

The scheme will be implemented in primary legislation to provide flexibility in its design and robust dispute resolution processes which consultations told us is important to industry.

Industry representatives were also asked to consider the potential for an industry-led body to assist Government with administering the scheme and ensure manufacturers, repairers and consumers have a voice in developing the scheme and keeping it effective and relevant. With dispute resolution processes set out in legislation, this body could also be conferred with dispute resolution duties for the scheme.

Industry and consumers will continue to be central to our approach as we proceed with the development of the scheme.

The Government will continue considering feedback from consultations and working to progress the details ahead of drafting legislative provisions and broader public consultation.