Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Shadow Minister for Social Services

Shadow Minister for NDIS

Shadow Minister for Housing

Shadow Minister for Homelessness


7 December 2023


The Coalition acknowledges the release of the long-awaited National Disability Insurance Scheme Independent Review report, the 10,000 people who shared their lived experience, the 4,000 formal submissions, the 26 recommendations and the 139 actions that aim to make the Scheme more sustainable for the future.

The Opposition remains steadfast in our dedication to a NDIS that is responsive, efficient, and person oriented. The commitment to ensuring the NDIS operates sustainably and effectively while meeting the needs of its participants is a shared priority that should transcend all sides of politics.

Unsurprisingly, the Independent Review has left many questions unanswered and stones unturned. The Government will now have to outline which changes they support and how they plan to transform these recommendations into tangible action.

There is still very little detail on how the Scheme’s 8 per cent growth cap will be met. Although, it seems clear that the Government will seek to deny access to the NDIS for children with autism and developmental delay.

Participants also remain in the dark on what the new ‘Foundational Supports’ will look like, whether these will ever be comparable to the NDIS, and when these supports will commence.

In a complete U-turn, Labor is now seeking to effectively implement independent assessments for participants, albeit under a different name.

In opposition, Labor stood in the way of the Coalition’s attempts to put the scheme on a sustainable footing. Bill Shorten even accused the Coalition of ‘pearl-clutching kabuki theatre’, claiming the NDIS was ‘tracking just as predicted’ and that the Coalition was ‘hyping fictional cost blowouts’.

Since then, the sustainability of the Scheme has been all Bill Shorten can talk about, which has created uncertainty for the more than 600,000 participants and their families.

We will adopt a more mature approach in Opposition, with the best interests of Australia in mind.

The NDIS has been a transformative force, empowering those living with disabilities and funding the everyday needs of some of Australia’s most vulnerable people.

The Coalition will cautiously consider all sensible measures and recommendations to ensure the NDIS remains fully funded and sustainable.
