Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Parliamentary Secretary Speaks to Student Leaders

Student leaders from secondary schools throughout Deakin today welcomed the opportunity to speak with Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, the Hon Alan Tudge MP.

Michael Sukkar has this year introduced a series of Student Leadership Roundtable Luncheons, designed to give local students a platform to raise issues of concern to them with the Government.

As Parliamentary Secretary, Mr Tudge is specifically charged with helping to deliver the Prime Minister’s indigenous affairs agenda.

Mr Tudge spoke to the students about his work with indigenous communities and some of the current policy challenges in this area.

Michael encouraged the students to seize the opportunity to ask the Parliamentary Secretary questions and share their views.

“We had an open and productive discussion and, once again, I was reminded of the high calibre of students that we have studying at our secondary schools here in Deakin,” he said.