Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Acknowledging Yarra Ariels

We are very fortunate in my electorate of Deakin to be so well served by a large number of sporting clubs, all of which make a valuable contribution to our community. One of these is the Yarra Ariels netball club, whose presentation evening last Friday I had the great pleasure of attending. It was a fantastic night, with players from under-11s through to the open category recognised for their achievements and sportsmanship. I again congratulate all the players on their accomplishments this season. I acknowledge the Ariels hardworking committee of management—President Gus Puopolo, Vice-President Rod Begley and Head Coach Christina Puopolo—who really are the rock behind that club. I also thank the other members of the committee and management—Janine Kilmartin, Rosie Poulton, Karen Black, Heidi Froelich, Caron Marks, Paula Barras, Jodie Taylor, Anna Coad, Jane Barry, Nicole O’Hare, Fiona Whitbourn and Dale Silver. Thank you to the Yarra Arials for your commitment to promoting netball and encouraging young people in the Deakin electorate to be active and reach their full potential in the sport.