Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Clean Up Australia Day

I rise today to thank and recognise the many people in my electorate of Deakin who contributed to the Clean Up Australia Day efforts on Sunday. In particular I would like to thank, on behalf of both myself and the Simpson Park/Somers Trail Advisory Committee, the approximately 40 volunteers who joined in the clean-up at the Heatherdale Creek Parklands. It was a great team effort. Gary Cooper, Val Turnbull and all of the advisory committee deserve acknowledgement for their dedication and hard work in assisting with preparations for the day. I would also like to recognise Doug Terrill from the Heatherdale Tennis Club for his hospitality in hosting morning tea, along with all of the local small businesses that generously donated prizes.

The event was also a good way to prepare the Heatherdale Creek Parklands for the federal coalition government’s upcoming Heatherdale Creek Rejuvenation Project. This Green Army project will remove noxious weeds and replant native vegetation on Heatherdale Creek in order to prevent the spread of weed infestation, enhance water quality and improve the habitat for wildlife. We are very fortunate to have a strong community in Mitcham, and I see the ongoing management and care of the Heatherdale Creek Parklands as an important way for all of us to continue fostering that important community spirit.