Michael Sukkar MP

Federal Member for Deakin
Shadow Minister for Social Services
Shadow Minister for the NDIS
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Homelessness
Manager of Opposition Business
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Constituency Statements: Deakin Electorate School Fetes

It is a great opportunity for me today to highlight one of the most satisfying parts of our job and that is, obviously, not always being here in Canberra but back home in our electorates and having the opportunity to visit with community groups, schools and individuals. In the Deakin electorate it is the fete season, where our schools take advantage of the better weather that we have in Melbourne and seek to raise money for their schools and foster community spirit, not only within their schools but within the broader area that their schools belong in. This year I have really enjoyed, as I have in many other years, getting to as many of those fetes as possible. In undertaking the work, preparation and organisation that is necessary to pull together a big fete, so many parents, teachers, principals, grandparents and friends of the schools are involved. I want to acknowledge the work of each and every one of those people—many hundreds who have been involved in some of the fetes that I will now mention.

In the Deakin electorate, the St Johns fete is always a very big fete. I had the honour of attending last weekend. Most years I end up on the barbecue, but this year I got a leave pass and was able to get around and enjoy the fete. I want to congratulate Andrew Russell, who has coordinated the fete for many years, and his very large team for putting on another wonderful fete this year and, in the process, raising huge amounts of money.

The Sacred Heart Parish fete was another fete that I was able to attend. In that case I did do a bit of a stint on the barbecue, and it was great to meet so many wonderful parents, children and community members at that big community event. I acknowledge the hard work of those at the Old Orchard Primary School. I had the opportunity to drop in and, again, it was a wonderful event for locals in Blackburn North. I want to acknowledge those of the Great Ryrie Primary School, with Doug Elliott as principal, and the entire team for the wonderful work they did and for being so welcoming of me. I acknowledge Larch Street Kindergarten for their fun day. It was an excellent day. I acknowledge Our Lady’s Parish for their fete a few weeks ago in torrential rain. They went through with it, notwithstanding the weather, and made a success of it. I also acknowledge St Thomas the Apostle Primary School for their fete and Holy Spirit for theirs. They were great community events that raised important funds for the schools, but most importantly it brought the community together. I thank all of the people on the committees for their work.

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